Archive for the ‘Environmental Law’ Category

How much should BP pay American taxpayers for the Gulf oil spill in 2010?

Thursday, February 9th, 2012

After BP spilled 4.1 million barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico in 2010, the U.S. government cited BP with multiple violations of the Clean Water Act.  At this time, it is being reported that negotiations between U.S. officials and BP may be coming to a close soon.  The amount of a potential settlement is unknown, but the government has requested BP pay around $4,300 per barrel in fines, which amounts to more than 17 billion dollars.  Here is an article from Bloomberg News.

Energy Savings?

Monday, March 22nd, 2010

Energy conservation issues are a hot legal topic these days.  To understand the legal issues, it’s wise to know some of the underlying science.   Given that Daylight Saving Time is underway, let’s take up the issue of energy and daylight.  According to data analyzed by the Consumer Energy Report, the energy savings is “meager at best”.  However, other societal benefits arguably occur thanks to the extra hour of daylight.  Read the full article here: