Archive for the ‘Consumer Safety’ Category
Wednesday, November 4th, 2015
Thankfully, Oregon is known to have a robust health department and many clean and sanitary restaurants. Despite these safety measures, at least 40 people recently have become sick due to apparent e-coli outbreaks at the popular Chipotle food chain. E-coli must be taken seriously; the bacteria can result in organ failure and other life threatening or permanent injuries. Children and elderly tend to be especially vulnerable to severe health consequences from e-coli. According to Oregon Live, a teenager remains hospitalized from eating at a Chipotle just a few miles from here in Lake Oswego. When the food protection net fails us, the Oregon legal system levies strict liability against corporate food conglomerates for the harm caused by their unsafe and contaminated food.
Tags: FDA, Food Safety, Justice, Personal Injury, Personal Injury Lawyers, safety regulations
Posted in Civil Justice System, Consumer Safety, Corporate Responsibility, Food Safety, Personal Injury | No Comments »
Thursday, February 9th, 2012
After BP spilled 4.1 million barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico in 2010, the U.S. government cited BP with multiple violations of the Clean Water Act. At this time, it is being reported that negotiations between U.S. officials and BP may be coming to a close soon. The amount of a potential settlement is unknown, but the government has requested BP pay around $4,300 per barrel in fines, which amounts to more than 17 billion dollars. Here is an article from Bloomberg News.
Tags: civil, Damages, Justice
Posted in Consumer Safety, Environmental Law, Gulf Oil Spill | No Comments »
Tuesday, October 4th, 2011
If you have cantaloupe sitting in your house, check the updated FDA Recall Notice here. If the source of your cantaloupe is in doubt, then it is recommended to discard the cantaloupe without consumption. After doing so, you may wish to call the farm where the contaminated cantaloupe has been sourced–Jensen Farms in Colorado. Jensen Farms set up a contact email and phone number to address questions Monday through Friday between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Here is the contact information published on by ABC news: email at email hidden; JavaScript is required or phone (800) 267-4561 Monday through Friday between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Of course, if you or someone you know has suspects having contracted listeria or any other foodborne illness by eating contaminated food, never call the at-fault party directly. Immediately call your doctor and your local health department to protect your health, and call a qualified personal injury attorney to protect your legal rights.
Tags: civil, Damages, FDA, Food Safety, Personal Injury, Recall
Posted in Consumer Safety, Food Safety, Personal Injury | No Comments »
Saturday, July 2nd, 2011
The heat of summer is in full swing. As our children head into the pool to cool off, keep in mind that modern pool and spa drains generally contain direct suction. Powerful suction can trap swimmers under water causing serious brain injury and death. According to statistics reported in the Los Angeles Times, “Between 1999 and 2008, 12 people were killed in pool and spa entrapments and 72 were injured, according to a CPSC report released Thursday.” Fortunately, at the end of 2008, federal legislation went into effect to prevent powerful suction from trapping swimmers at the bottom of pools and spas. In response, public and private pool owners invested in drain covers intended to mitigate the dangerous effects of direct suction drains. However, the Consumer Product Safety Commission has issued a massive voluntary recall just as the summer swimming season starts to heat up. As reported by the Los Angeles Times on May 27, 2011, “About 1 million covers made by eight manufacturers, some among the largest, were being voluntarily pulled after a confidential report revealed the products had failed safety tests. Officials with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission said public pools and spas with direct suction systems and recalled covers should close until replacement covers could be installed.”,0,5231496.story.
Tags: Consumer Law, Personal Injury, Recall, safety regulations, Wrongful Death
Posted in Child Safety, Consumer Safety, Product Defect | No Comments »
Thursday, September 30th, 2010
Today, Fisher-Price announced a safety recall of more than 11 million products sold for use by infants and toddlers. This giant in the world of manufacturing products for millions of young children worldwide was clearly under pressure from the U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission, which warns parents to “immediately” stop using products due to risk of significant harm. For more information about the recall, here is an article posted on
Tags: Consumer Law, safety regulations
Posted in Child Safety, Consumer Safety, Product Defect | No Comments »
Monday, August 9th, 2010
On Friday, the FDA recalled a substantial amount of ground beef, including some distributed in Oregon. Although the recall just happened, the ground beef was sold between October 2, 2009 and January 12, 2010. Thus, some of this ground beef could still be in freezers throughout Oregon and other states. Fortunately, there is a simple way to check if your ground beef is subject to recall. According to the FDA, if the ground beef is subject to the recall, the package will bear establishment number “EST. 8268” inside the USDA mark of inspection.
This is a troubling recall because it’s reportedly prompted by e-coli illness contracted by at least seven people to date. E-coli is extremely dangerous and can cause permanent organ damage and death. It is highly recommended that Oregonians check the USDA labels for “EST. 8268” before defrosting any ground beef. You can view the complete FDA recall notice here.
Tags: FDA, Food Safety, Recall
Posted in Consumer Safety, Food Safety | No Comments »
Tuesday, April 20th, 2010
Toyota Motor Corp. and the U.S. Government have agreed that Toyota will pay a $16.4 million fine related to not disclosing defects in accelerator pedals. According to the Associated Press, the fine amounts to “a little more than $2 for every vehicle the company sold around the globe in 2009.” However, the money is not designated as compensation for personal injuries caused by defective accelerators. So far, Toyota has indicated it will not accept responsibility for its share of damages due to injuries caused by the accelerator defects. In order for individuals harmed by Toyota’s disregard for consumer safety to recover for their losses, individuals must continue to seek justice through the civil litigation process.
Tags: Damages, Fine, Justice, Litigation, Personal Injury, Toyota
Posted in Civil Litigation, Consumer Safety | No Comments »
Monday, March 8th, 2010
Today, many of us listened to the national news stations replay the 911 call from a Prius driver in San Diego, California who couldn’t slow down his speeding car because the accelerator apparently stuck during a normal driving maneuver. So, the public seems to be generally aware that Toyota’s are experiencing some significant safety problems. But for current and potential Toyota owners, the information about what specific vehicles in the Toyota fleet give rise to safety concerns is confusing. As of today, Toyota has voluntarily recalled the following vehicles:
Expect the recall list to grow.
Tags: Recall, Toyota, Vehicle Safety
Posted in Consumer Safety | No Comments »